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Local Governments and Organizations

Learn how local governments, professional associations and non-profits can support 2011 legislation for a permanent medicine take-back program in Washington State.

Show your support 

Local Governments, professional associations and non-profits --
  here's how to show your  support for legislation to have drug companies provide a statewide medicine take-back program:

1. If your local government, association, or non-profit organization is able to endorse legislation to have drug companies fund a statewide drug take-back program, please contact .

2. Encourage your agency or organization to adopt a resolution in support of creating a secure statewide medicine take-back program. Use our resolution template or view resolutions already adopted by local agencies and organizations.

3.  Sign up on Twitter or join our Facebook page. We will keep you informed on the status of the legislation.

4.  Ask other organizations in your community to support the bill.



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