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Industry ought to fund it

What's needed is a comprehensive program, funded by the pharmaceutical industry, that will not only build on existing efforts to educate the public on what to do with unused prescription drugs, but also offer lots of secure, easily accessed sites to drop them off.

The pharmaceutical industry needs to take responsibility for the medicines they make. Some medicines have serious side effects for society, including accidental poisoning of children, drug abuse, and water pollution. Snohomish County police departments, as well as pharmacies at Bartell Drugs and Group Health Cooperative, have stepped up to protect kids, families and the environment by providing medicine take-back programs for safe disposal. However, the funding for these programs is currently coming out of strapped police and public health budgets. What’s really needed is a comprehensive, sustainable program funded by the pharmaceutical industry that will provide lots of secure, easily accessible medicine take-back sites. Washington State lawmakers should make it a priority to pass a bill to form an industry-financed medicine take-back program.  Read the full article...

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