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Local advocates urge lawmakers to pass medicine return bill

Supported by law enforcement, prevention groups, businesses, health and medical organizations, on February 3, 2011, the House Environmental Committee held the initial hearing on HB 1370. A statewide bill created to reduce drug abuse, accidental poisoning and medicines in our environment.

On February 3, 2011, the House Environmental Committee held the initial hearing on HB 1370. This bill would create a statewide unused medicine take back program funded by the companies that create the medicines. British Columbia has had this type of system in place for nearly 10 years.

HB1370 is different from previous versions because it includes a component for public education and places a cap on the amount that the industry would have to pay for the cost of the program. The bill was created to reduce drug abuse, accidental poisonings, and medicines in our environment.

Sgt. Shane Gardner from the Clark County Sheriff's Department testified during the hearing in favor of the bill. In attendance from Clark County supporting the Bill were Toni Eby, Coordinator of the Clark County Meth Action Team, and Sondra Storm, Coordinator of PREVENT!, a community coalition addressing substance abuse prevention issues. Sgt. Gardner provided the committee with a referendum signed by a number of Sheriffs throughout the state supporting this bill.

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