Poison Prevention Tips
Protect your family from accidental poisoning
Inventory your medicine cabinet and other places you store your medicines. | |
Properly dispose of the medicines you no longer need by using a medicine take-back program. Click here to find a take-back location. | |
Safely store the medicines you use by keeping them out of reach. Store medcines in a locked cabinet or medicine lock box. You can also watch this video on safe storage. | |
Always use the child-resistant medicine cap - and remember child-resistant caps are NOT childproof. | |
Offer visitors a safe place to keep their medicines out of reach - in a locked cabinet, locked drawer or medicine lock box. | |
Share medicine safety tips with family and friends. |
More ways you can prevent accidental poisioning
Medicine mistakes are common accidents that can be avoided. Medicines are the number one poison that the Washington Poison Center get calls about. Stay safe - Click here for medicine safety tips. | |
Medicine or Candy? It's often difficult to know which is medicine and which is candy. Test your knowledge with this quiz from the California Poison Control System. Click here to take the quiz |
More than 60,000 young children end up in the emergency department every year because they got into medicines while their parent or caregiver was not looking. Put you medicines up and away and out of site. |