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Drug Take-Back Day

According to the DEA, 2,500 teens experiment with drugs by taken from the medicine cabinet. Some of these experiments lead to a life-long addiction. The DEA, recognizing the great need for households to rid their homes of unwanted medicines is sponsoring a one-day take-back day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 25th. Read more...

According to DEA's Mark Thomas, more than half of the drugs abused in this country come from medicines stored in our homes.  "So something as simple as just driving down the street and dropping this stuff off, you're gonna abate or reduce 55 percent of that problem overnight," said Thomas.  

Unfortunately, this four-hour take back sponsored by the DEA still begs the question -- what do I do later if I have unwanted medicines?  Bartell Drugs and Group Health offer ongoing medicine take-back programs -- but they can't take the controlled substances (narcotics).  Some local law enforcement have started collecting unwanted medicines to meet this public safety need. (For locations, go to There is legislation moving in Congress that will allow for more options to return unwanted medicines. US Representative Jay Inslee (WA-1st Dist) has just passed a bill in the U.S. House that will make it easier to set up take-back programs and reduce medicine diversion and unwanted medicines getting into the environment.  Full article...


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Did You Know?

32% of poisoning deaths in Washington children were caused by someone else’s prescription medication and 26% were caused by over-the-counter medications. – Washington State Childhood Injury Report, 2004

“Pharmaceuticals have become a significant water pollutant nationwide.”  – President’s Cancer Panel, 2008-2009 Annual Report

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